Weekly report
Week Number 1: August 10, 2020 through August 14, 2020
For the first week of my work-integrated learning program, I participated in a tour of the department and was introduced to many people in the Front-end department. I had a meeting with the senior manager about project details and scope. I received my project assignment about My Rabbit’s cloud server management system. The first assignment is to create the web-based that collect the banner data in Cloud Firestore.
On the second day of my work-integrated learning program was starting to do my first assignment. I started with install the necessary packages to create the web-based such as Node.js, npm, and create React app that is used for building user interfaces for the web application. Then, I need to understand in detail and structure of banner data that will be stored in Firestore and how to collect the data in Firestore with the React app.
The third day of my work-integrated learning program is August 12th, Mother’s Day. It is a national holiday in Thailand. So, today I do not have to enter the company.
Thursday, I continued working on coding the web-based to add banner data to Firestore by set the unique document identifier as banner identification because Cloud Firestore can automatically generate the document identifier, but my senior manager requires the specific identification. Most of the day was spent on coding and learning.
On the last day of the week, I was assigned to create a toggle switch to React on the web-based to get true or false value from the user on web-based. If the switch is on, the banner is active on web-based. But if the switch is off, the banner is not active on web-based.
In summary, the week was spent becoming familiar with the area and the department. The company provided the opportunity to learn databases in Cloud Firestore that I never used before and they also gave good advice on many things that I did not know. I understand more about how to connect Cloud Firestore to React App, the structure of Cloud Firestore, and how to add the data to Cloud Firestore.

In the first week I came to work here. I was nervous, but there were lovely seniors who are very friendly and warm. It makes me feel good to work here.
Week Number 2: August 17, 2020 through August 21, 2020
For the first day of the second week, I had a meeting with my mentor to assign the work. It is creating the upload image button to upload the image to Firebase Storage. I need to understand how to store images in Firebase Storage.
Tuesday, I continued coding and testing the web-based in the finished parts and had to do more. The assignment I have finished is creating the web-based that can add the banner data to Firestore and there is a toggle switch to set the banner status. The new assignment I have to do is creating the upload image button on web-based to upload the image to Firebase Storage and I have to create the second page on web-based to show the data from Firestore. The first page is adding the banner data to Firestore and the second page is showing the list of banner data from Firestore and Firebase Storage.
Wednesday, I have done the upload image function. Next, I was searching for a method to get the download URL and image after successfully upload the image to Firebase Storage to show on web-based. Another task is showing the toggle switch value from Firestore in form of a toggle switch on web-based and the user can edit the value at any time. Then, each time the value change, the data in Firestore is updated.
On the fourth day of the week, I continued coding on the React app and I have learned many methods to create a toggle switch that shows the value from Firestore and also can edit the value at any time. Sometimes I run into problems that I cannot solve and need help from my mentor. Finally, the problem can be solved.
Friday, I learned how to write class components in React app because my method to create a toggle switch cannot use in functional components. Finally, I finished creating a toggle switch and it is work.
In summary, I have learned many things this week e.g. How does Firebase Storage store image data? How to get data from Firestore and Firebase Storage to show on web-based? and How to update a specific field of the document in Firestore? I think I should try to learn more and to make my work better.
Week Number 3: August 24, 2020 through August 28, 2020
Monday, I have three tasks for this day. Firstly, I search many methods to set a toggle switch value to show true or false and the previous value that the user input to Firestore. Secondly, I have to learn the method to deploy files to Firebase hosting, and thirdly, I have to create a login page and find how to route the page in React.
On the second day of the third week, I continued coding on React to do the assignments. There is a login page, check the route, how to pass route and learn to keep key or uid when user login web-based by use localStorage.
On the third day of the third week, I continued coding, and today, I had a meeting with my mentor to assign a new task. It is creating the log page to keep data about activities that users do in our web-based and keep it in the Firebase real-time database. The log page consists of DateTime, email, lastsingintime, types of activity such as add/delete/activate/deactivate, details of banner data that the user did.
Thursday, I have done the log page part login consists of email and lastsignintime. The task that I did today is to continue to read how to keep log data in Firebase real time database and have a small meeting about upload CSV files to Firebase real time database.
On the last day of this week, I have done the keeping all log data in Firebase real-time database and I continually find the method to upload csv files to Firebase real-time database. Then, I have to coordinate with the senior to deploy React to Ubuntu and another task is to set up images and show them on the web-based.
In summary, I have received many tasks and gained more work experience. I have studied and researched new knowledge such as how to deploy React to Ubuntu, how to create a log page and keep it in the Firebase real-time database, or how to keep uid of users.
Week Number 4: August 31, 2020 through September 4, 2020
For the first day of the fourth week, I designed the UI for web-based and learn more about upload CSV files to Firebase real time database and deploy React to ubuntu 18.04.
Tuesday, I have uploaded the CSV files to Firebase real-time database, but my mentor wants to change it to Firestore. So, I have to find a way to upload CSV files to Firestore.
Wednesday, I continued to find many methods to upload CSV files to Firestore. I spent all day doing it. I thought that I just don’t understand the concept of importing CSV files to Firestore. I thought it should have a concept similar to upload files to Firebase real time database. It is just uploaded to different places.
On the fourth day of the fourth week, I continued coding to upload CSV files to Firestore. Today, I understood all concept to upload files, but I found the bug that if the CSV file has rows more than 500 per second, the Firestore will not approve because the maximum number of field transformations that can be performed on a single document in a Commit to the operation or in a transaction is 500 per second. So, I have to fix this problem.
On the last day of the week, it is a holiday. So, I did not go to the company.
In summary, I have learned a lot about CSV files to Firestore, deploying React to Ubuntu 18.04, or fetching API with Postman. There is some problem and I can fix it. I have to find many ways to debug and learn more about assignments.
Week Number 5: August 7, 2020 through September 11, 2020
For the first day of the week, the works that I have completed are upload CSV files to Firestore and deploy React to Ubuntu 18.04. I have done to try deploying React to Ubuntu 18.04 and I continued coding to upload CSV files to Firestore. So now, I understand the concept of uploading CSV files to Firestore. It is changing CSV to JSON pattern because Firestore keeps the data in JSON form. Today, I have a small task from my senior about testing to fetch API using Postman. Finally, I can upload CSV files to Firestore and it works.
For the second day, my task is creating the table that config values in PostgreSQL. I have to get all values from PostgreSQL and then show on the table that can config and sent them back to PostgreSQL.
On the third day, all this day I have learned about Postman — what is Postman, how it works, how to use Postman with React, and how to Fetch API in Postman.
On the fourth day of this week, I have done to fetch API in Postman. The task I have to do today is to create and design UX/UI. I use the React framework to create reusable UI components and it allows developers to create large web applications that can change data, without reloading the page.
On the last day of the week, I continued to design and set UX/UI on the web portal for users to easy to use the web portal.
In summary, this week I have done a lot of tasks. There are upload CSV files to Firestore, deploy React to Ubuntu 18.04, fetch API in Postman with React, creating the table that config values in PostgreSQL, and design UX/UI. And, I got a lot of knowledge from my tasks.
Week Number 6: August 14, 2020 through September 18, 2020
Monday of week 6, I also continued coding and design UX/UI. I think it takes time a lot to create a good and high-performance UX/UI that easy to use for users. I have to think about the flow diagram of the web portal and search for good color or good layout of the web portal. So, all days I designed UX/UI of the web portal.
On the second day of week 6, I had a meeting with my mentor about new tasks. It is adding and pull data in PostgreSQL. I have to learn more about how to use PostgreSQL, how to get data, how to add data, and how to connect with a server. So, I think I understand more about PostgreSQL.
On the third day of week 6, I find how to set a date with React on the web portal and sent it to PostgreSQL by backend server to get data about partner and today, I have to deploy my web portal to the Huawei cloud server because my senior manager wants to test that web portal which writes by React can deploy to Huawei cloud server and it has to work correctly.
On the fourth day of week 6, I had a meeting with the committee to present my project in the morning on ZOOM. So, I got a lot of comments from my committee and I have to keep it to improve my project and fixed some problems in my report.
On the last day of week 6, my task for today is to find how to create a table with React and get data from PostgreSQL to show on it. In the evening, I had some requirements to fix some detail on the web portal about show banner data in the banner list.
In summary, I think my tasks are not too much, but it takes time to do it. I think it is ok to spend time to do the task for good performance and it should work smoothly.
Week Number 7: August 21, 2020 through September 25, 2020
On the first day of week 7, I continued working on coding React to create a face verify log and banner log on the web portal. So, I focused on the banner log first because it is a requirement from my mentor. Now, I can get all banner data from the input and add it to Firestore. Then, I find a way to get banner data from Firestore to display on the web portal and design the table pattern to display on the web portal.
On the second day of week 7, I continued working on coding React to manage the banner log. When I am done with coding React to add banner data in Firestore or get them to display on the web portal, I have to test the system or web portal that it is working correctly or not.
Wednesday, I also continued coding to create a banner log table. Before I started, I thought it was not too hard and I can finish it in 1 day or half a day. But, I am wrong because the banner data are stored in Firebase real time database. Firebase Realtime Database stores data as one large JSON tree. So, I have to query data or make many loops to get value inside and it is not easy. I thought about the syntax until the end of the day.
On the fourth day that I create a banner log, I can query data from Firebase real time database. Today, I found some bugs in my code about data structure and rendering. On the web portal, there is an input form to add a new banner consist of the title, URL (Eng. and Thai version), image (Eng. and Thai version), and status. So, the problem is when the user submitted the form, the data will be loading into Firestore and Firebase real time database but before loading is complete, the data will display on the web portal and it is not correct. Finally, I have to fix the problem, thought a lot about data structure, and learn more about rendering.
On the last day of the week, I continued coding to create a banner log table and fixed some problems such as the format of data time. What is the good format to stored date/times in Firestore or which Date-Time formats do humans prefer to read? Finally, I have done with creating a banner log and my next task is to create a face verify log.
In summary, I think some work is more detailed than I think. I need to think more, learn more, understand more. For example, the planning of the system, if I do not lay out well, when I keep doing it and have problems. It will cost time to go back and fix it. So, what I know from this week is if I start with a good web structure. Well, planned Everything will come out perfect.
Week Number 8: September 28, 2020 through October 2,2020
Monday, I start with learning more about PostgreSQL because my work today is creating a face verify log that gets and put data to PostgreSQL and I had a small meeting with my senior. He told me that I should change the UX/UI of the web portal because it is hard to understand and should have a more beautiful design. The important thing I have learned from today is that I should never use multiple CSS frameworks because before I used Bootstrap, Bulma, and materialize. Then, it collapses. So, I should choose either one and then take it to further customize the design that I want.
On the second day of week 8, I focused on creating a face verify log. First, I have to query data from PostgreSQL to display on the web portal. The syntax is similar to the banner log, but the banner log gets data from Firebase real time database, but the face verifies log get from PostgreSQL. So, I have to find the method to display data on the input tag because I need to display and can edit on the same form. So, at this point, I spend a lot of time to do it.
On the third day of week 8, I continued coding to create a face verify log. The detail is query data to display on the web portal and then test whether the data is correct or not. I found the method of displaying data on the table and the format of data. At the end of the day, I am almost finished. Today there is a small task about uploading CSV files on the web portal and I am done.
Thursday, I continued coding to create a face verify the log and continue to fix some problems that I found on my code.
Friday, I have done creating a face verify log on the web portal and it works. I have done a lot of tests to see that there isn’t any problem. So, what the face verify log can do? is display the range of dates that the user wants to see, and the user can search UUID or app type to specific data that the user looks for.
In summary, I know a lot of things that I don’t know before and learn more about PostgreSQL and CSS. Sometimes I get tired, but I think If we try, then nothing is too difficult. I admit that I am not good enough or may run slower than others. But I will try harder.
Week Number 9: September 5, 2020 through October 9, 2020
Monday, my task is to get data about the partner of Rabbit from PostgreSQL and display it on the web portal. The details of partner data are name, password, and id. When showing partner data on a web portal, the password has to hide but if the user wants to know, they can click on a button and the data will show. So, on this point, it makes me concern because all data display in table form and have the button that hides/shows data in every row. I don’t know how to set the value of each button in each row. I take all day to find a way to do it.
On the second day of week 9, I have done with creating a partner table and it can click on the button to hide/show password. My next task is editing the image folder name in Storage Firebase because for the first time, I set it to “images” name, and my senior asked me that “what is images folder about?”. Then, I answered that it is about the banner, and he wants me to change the image folder name.
Wednesday, I have big news about my work because I had a meeting with my senior. The detail is I have to change many things about this project because it has a problem. There is banner storage, authentication, PostgreSQL. I spent a long time in meetings. Because the details are a lot and have to find a conclusion about what to do next and which is the best.
On the fourth day of week 9, I followed the assignments from yesterday’s meeting conclusions. First of all, the token has to be stored on the browser web page. Because the token has to be stored and sent to the backend for authentication with Firebase.
On the last day of the week, I had a new task. It is creating a card management page to add or delete Rabbit card data in PostgreSQL. This work I had been assigned by my senior and he had already done it, but it was written by MVC framework and I had to change it to JavaScript. So, that it could be combined with the web portal.
In summary, this week I have a lot of work to do, and I still talked about my work with my senior at the meeting. We help each other find a solution to solve the problem. It was very challenging and a lot of experience.
Week Number 10: September 12, 2020 through October 16, 2020
On the first day of week 10, I have an appointment to talk to my advisor in the afternoon about the structure of my project and scope in a rough summary. In the morning, I asked for details with my senior at the company to summarize again.
The second day of my work-integrated learning program is August 13th, King Bhumibol Adulyadej Memorial Day. It is a national holiday in Thailand. So, today I do not have to enter the company.
Wednesday, I found a bug in my work. When I was testing the banner data was collected and displayed correctly or not. Then I found it still does not store correctly. So, I had to sit and fix it for a long time and I have to go back and read my code and change them one by one. It was quite a headache.
On the fourth day of week 10, my task is to keep the banner log changed from in Firebase Real time database to Firestore database, because at first it was in Firebase Real time database it was on and then the project structure was changed, causing the database to be changed. In the afternoon, I had a meeting with my senior about reorganizing the config page e.g. how are the details, what should be where, how should I edit information?
Friday, I continued coding to reorganizing the banner log and config page. It doesn’t take long to coding a banner log because I have coding both types of databases a lot. But reorganizing the config page. I have to take some time to figure out what to structure and where to place it. Making it spend a lot of time
In summary, after a while 10weeks have passed, and I feel that the working time has passed quickly, or is it because I feel that the work that I am doing should be able to do more. I should have clearer my schedule and work harder.
Week Number 11: September 19, 2020 through October 23, 2020
Monday in the morning, my senior came to me and asked me about upload the CSV file on the web portal. She thinks there is some bug in it. So, I had to check my code where it bugs and fix it. At first, it was very confusing to me because when testing on my computer. It was fine. But when she tries to test it. It got an error. So, I went to ask my mentor’s opinion and I can finally fix it even though it took all day.
On the second day of week 11 in the morning, my task is role-based permission. At first, I thought I didn’t have to rush to do the role-based permission yet, but my boss rushed over to get it. It makes me very stressed. I’ve never done the role-based permission before, I don’t know how to do it, I don’t know where to start. So, I had to find out What is it? How to do role-based permission with Firebase? How to write with React? I’ve been looking for information all day, but still can’t seem to find a way out. In the afternoon, I had a meeting with my boss about the project scope. This is another thing that made me think a lot because my advisor said that the scope of work is too little, so the boss discusses with me where to add more scope? Can this project add more scope? So, the boss gave the keyword a “CMS or content management system” to look for information.
Wednesday, my task for today is to edit the config page and test it. I have to edit the config name that I got from PostgreSQL and change it to a name that is readable and easy to understand and show on the web portal.
On the fourth day of week 11, my task is to set the base URL with react and add loading to the web portal, because when the browser is loading the data from the database, the data will not appear on the web page, making the user not knowing if loading or not. So, I had to figure out how to put loading and see which one would make sense.
The last day of the week is 23 October 2020 — King Chulalongkorn Memorial Day, marked the anniversary of the passing of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V the Great), the 5th Monarch of the Chakri Dynasty. It is a national holiday in Thailand. So, today I do not have to enter the company.
In summary, this week is quite hard for me. It makes me stressed and depressed. I have to try to get the task done on schedule and I have to try more and more. Although I was tired and discouraged, I felt that it was worth the experience.
Week Number 12: September 26, 2020 through October 30, 2020
On the first day of week 12, my task for today is to create pagination on the banner, banner log, and face verify log page. I feel that creating pagination is not easy because what my seniors always tell me is that they rarely want to load a lot of unnecessary packets and it will waste bandwidth. The pagination has a lot of packets to choose, either the bootstrap or the react, but the hard thing is I have to think about the concept of the pagination by myself. At first, I thought it must be very difficult but when I try to do Gradually do, gradually think. In the end, I can do it. Although there are some problems, I can be fixed.
On the second day of week 12, I create an add user page to add user data to the database. There is email, role, assign by, and assign date & time. The add user page can add users, delete users, and edit roles. When I finish, I show my senior to see my work. Senior criticism about UX / UI, go find information about how normal the data table is, and then apply it.
On the third day of week 12 in the morning, my tasks are set UX / UI in the modal header, create edit add user page, create delete add user page, and in the afternoon, I had a meeting about banner log search that what should I search for. The conclusion I got from the meeting is the date (from-to) and activity.
On the fourth day of week 12, I continued coding to edit the banner log and face verify log about searching data in the database. At first, I mistook search as a filter of the information displayed on the web browser. But it’s taking the input and then searching for it in the database.
On the last day of week 12, I work from home because the company has little maintenance. So, the boss gave me a WFH. My work today doesn’t do much. Because if to run the server, must run on the company’s net network only.
In summary, this week was not much. I am gradually adapting to my workplace. But there is still a lot of work, and I try to make my work-life balance better. I think it must take time.
Week Number 13: November 2, 2020 through November 6, 2020
On the first day of week 13, I continued learning and coding React and my senior suggest that I used React function in the wrong way. It is componentDidMount function. The first time, I understood that it was used for rendering any value at once on the first time that open page, but I wrong. On the right way is the componentDidmount is invoked immediately after a component is mounted. So now, I got it and continued to edit my coding.
On the second day of week 13, I’m serious about UX/UI. I designed which style it should be. I design every page of the web portal in the same format and color scheme. Today I have finished designing and coding the login page and I need to make it responsive.
On the third day of week 13, I have an appointment with my advisor at the RABBIT company to assess the progress and visit the company. At first, I was excited because I had to present it in front of my advisor and my senior manager. But when the presentation was finished, it felt relieved and thought it wasn’t that serious. Everything went well.
On the fourth day of week 13, I continued working with designing UX/UI and coding it. I spend most of the day designing every web page. I think the design is not easy. Having to choose a theme to match, choose a color to see if it will be easy for users to use. Is it convenient for the user? Must see many things. Once I finish my design I can start writing code.
On the last day of week 13, I started to code UX/UI on every page and I spent all day coding. I have run into problems at some point because I’m not good at writing CSS, I have to keep looking for a solution.
In summary, there was not much this week. I keep designing and coding. I have encountered some problems and must find a solution I have begun. I can adjust to my workplace. My workplace is very friendly and warm. I began to understand more about my work life.
Week Number 14: November 9, 2020 through November 13, 2020
On the first day of week 14, I continued coding UX/UI. In the afternoon, I had to go to university because there was a teacher’s appointment for the final exam. By talking about reports and presentations.
On the second day of week 14, I also continued coding UX/UI. In the afternoon, the senior manager called me up to talk. I panicked, not knowing what he was going to talk about. He talked about my assessment of my work. Asking for the progress of the work and what should be done from now on, when I finished. Then, I went down to discuss the work with my seniors about what I had discussed with the senior manager and my seniors gave some advice.
On the third day of week 14, today I am very excited because I will be going to the Huawei event (Powering Digital Thailand) at Centara Central World. I went with several seniors from the company. There are many exciting things at the Huawei event. There are new innovations and new technology. It made me feel that our world was spinning very fast. We are living in a modern era where things have already advanced.

On the fourth day of week 14, my task today is to check out my work to a point that I might have overlooked. Which is on the partner display page that I showed hiding the password but can click to see. I made it more dynamic. In the afternoon, I had to go to my senior graduation at BITEC Bangna with my senior from the company. It made me tired.
On the last day of week 14, I continued coding UX/UI. I finished every page and used a lot of energy.
In summary, this week I am very happy to be able to visit the Huawei event. It opened up my world. I had a lot of fun and had a lot of experience as well. I’ve just been to an event like this for the first time and I’m so impressed.
Week Number 15: November 16, 2020 through November 20, 2020
On the first day of week 15, I have to coding UX/UI because last week, I have done with design UI/UX. In the first time, I think design and coding UX/UI is not too hard, but I am wrong. Because, it is not easy too. You have to think and coding with the same time to make sure that your design is user friendly and have a high performance. I am coding with React and CSS to design UX/UI.
On the second day of week 15, I keep coding UX / UI. I have some problems. Because I just wrote React and bootstrap. I know bootstrap helps me to write the front end, but I don’t know that it is easy to use. The reason I chose to use bootstrap is because my senior recommended it and I have tried some. It is the one CSS framework that many people use when writing the website, and bootstrap also cooperate with React, which I have written. The CSS framework is not just bootstrap, there are actually a lot of them, such as bulma material UI, which we will choose to use the one that best suits our project.
From 18–20, my company work from home because there was a bit of construction. So, my boss gave work from home because he was worried about our health, it smells of paint and construction dusty. During work from home, I coded all my UX / UI pages to be the same pattern as I have been doing it for days. I realized that to get just one button, the navbar, the box, it wasn’t easy. I have to think slowly. When I’m stuck I was stuck for a very long time. Than to find a way out I also consulted with my seniors. He gave good advice. Sometimes he tries to get me to find a way and then it took me 1–2 days, but I got really stuck. Until my senior agreed to help me. During my UX / UI code, I made some changed to the system. Is there any place that I have missed? The test of the system is also something that takes time. Even if I find a bug, I must fix it and test it at the same time. It was a step that gave me a really headache. Finally, during work from home, I finished the UX / UI code. The work from home is like changing the working environment. I think it has both pros and cons. The advantage is that I do not have to waste time for traveling. The disadvantage is that it might make I lazy and work might not be as progress as expected.
In summary, I realized that I still had very little UX / UI design and coding experience, although it was something I enjoyed, and I thought I was doing well, but actually I was lacking a lot. I should start learning from the basics. Gradually improve myself and practice a lot. Even now I think I’m starting too late, but I will not give up. I don’t want to end my way to be the developer. I will gradually learn and develop myself because I know that I love designing and writing the web. So, I want to do it the best I can.
Week Number 16: November 23, 2020 through November 27, 2020
On the first day of week 16, Overall my work is ok. So, I tried to see if there is anything I can add and fix, and I found out that the log page, both banner log and face verify log already have a lot of data. When I run the table down to see the data below. I will not see the head of the table. So, I thought that I had to fix it. I tried to figure out how to fix it. There are lots of ways to stick table header on the top while scrolling down the table rows. I keep reading and trying them out. But there isn’t one way to do it. I wonder why, I also found that because I was using table responsive on bootstrap. It couldn’t use position sticky with responsive. So, I tried to figure out how to make it work together and I was stuck in this part for a long time and the day is over.
On the second day of week 16, I’m still trying to figure out how. I think there must be a way for both of them to work together but I still can’t find it. Until finally, I have to put it aside. Because I think I should not waste too much time on problems that I have stuck with. So, I turned to testing another system, is there any need to fix more?
On the third day of week 16, I have a meeting in the morning with my senior manager. My senior manager asks how about content management system. Where did you progress? Recently, I looked up content management system, what are the pros and cons, examples of content management system, and then I prepared a slide to present my senior manager. I gradually stressed. Because I just heard the name of the content management system when my senior manager tells me to study about it. So, I started to study and try to download it. The general definition of content management system is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content and I tried Wordpress which is not that difficult.
On the fourth day of week 16, I have three new tasks. There are permission, consent data, and card. First of all, about permission, my senior told me to study roll levels about what each role should be able to do and what is their hierarchy. The second task is about consent data page. He wants the user to fill the text in form of html tag. So, I thought that the input field should have a button to press the html tag for the user to make it easier to use, and the last task is card page. I went to ask him if card page should edit the information or not. Then, it spent a little time discussing and concluded that it should be edited. From the first card page that only has to add data and show it. Then, can add, edit, delete and update.
On the last day of week 16, I have acted on the task assigned to me. The first task, I did was consent data page. I thought to find library or package that help me to create html tag button. It took me a long time to find out because I have to read and try to load it if it can be used with my project. I’ve tried a lot, but still haven’t found a suitable one.
In summary, I can understand that it works. It was stressful and fun. Stressful is the most stressful. Fun was super fun.