Weekly report

14 min readMar 11, 2021


Week Number 1: January 18, 2021 through January 22, 2021

My working desk at BSS company

On the first day of semester 2, my task is do the unit testing and debugging. in the afternoon, I have a meeting with work integrated learning.

Tuesday, I have to do 3 tasks. Two tasks on debugging and another task is a new one. There are description, user, and system log page. On the description page, the problem is when pressing the edit button, it will show the information that user wants to edit. If editing the information in more than 2 times, it will bug caused by wrong setting. On user page, the problem is backdrop modal (CSS). It is caused by loops that it shows too much backdrop that it turns black instead of gray color. On the system log page, this is my new requirement. I need to understand it before I can do it such as structure, database, or permission.

On the third day of semester 2, I finished yesterday’s work on the debugging part, and today I continued do system log page and done it in the morning. In the afternoon, I fix the banner page about limiting the image size that input into the web page. Which must be written in the Backend.

On the fourth day of semester 2, I have to edit the card page. It is to write a condition in Backend and PostgreSQL that the beginning and end code ranges of the card must not overlap. It took me a long time to understand both the condition and how I write it. In the evening, I have an appointment for a meeting.

Friday, I finally understood the conditions and methods for editing the conditions of the card page and I have completely revised several parts of the card page. Then, I was advised that the web portal should display the spinner while waiting for all pages to let the user know that the data is being loaded.

In summary, this week was not very serious, but I had to keep fixing the web portal system. I had to test if there was anything wrong and the system could work properly or not. Overall, it’s still okay now.

Week Number 2: January 25, 2021 through January 29, 2021

This week, I have to hurry and fix the errors on the web portal. I have to test every part of the system because my web portal needs to deploy to production. I have to check the format is the same on all pages or system flow is correct or not. Monday, the part that I have to solve is the card page. I was told to change the card image selection to search instead because there are many pictures in the database. If user has to scroll to find it, it wi be difficult. The second part is the consent page, which is a page that is a text editor that puts data in and changes to html and stores it into the database. Which I just noticed that font size is not correct. If the user is copying the content from Microsoft word and parse it in consent page, the font size will be pt but the database need px. Therefore, I have to find a solution which is very difficult. The last part for today is the top up page. It is a new requirement that I got last week. This page is a search for phone numbers and e-mails that search for users’ top up times per day, which must be editable.

Tuesday, I do the top up 80% of what I did yesterday, and I finish it in the morning along with test already. In the afternoon I Finished the card page and later I figured out a way to export the node module in the backend because my senior had to write the system log to save the log. While I was working on it, I also tried testing other parts of the system and found a bug that If the user presses the button repeatedly. Every time user press, it will send a request to the system. Which may not be a good result.

Wednesday, I’m still figuring out how to export the node module. I ran out of time in the morning studying how to write node.js, and in the afternoon I made a new requirement that create a transaction page. It is searching the data using reference1 and reference2 to display transaction information of user between Bank and rabbit. Today, I found a bug in the search section of the system log by entering the date. If the start date is more than the last date, the system log page will continue to loop through the search for information. I have to

Write condition that I should not give the latest date is less than the start date.

Thursday, I tested the system all day and have 2 meetings with my senior to talk about where to change? where to add? Is there anything wrong?. Today, all day is a meeting and test the system at the same time.

Friday in the morning, I have a meeting at 9.30 a.m. about my web portal that must be shown to the card team. Which I had to fix the system at 9 o’clock and deploy it again and I found a bug. At that time, I was stressed whether I could do it. In the end, I solved only some part of it and had to get the old web portal. On the meeting, there was a discussion about there was any part to fix or not. In the afternoon, I fixed a bug that I met yesterday and today.

This week’s conclusion is to make the web portal more complete. There are meetings almost every day making me tired and also very stressful. I fear that I will not do well enough. Sometimes I get stuck for a very long time, taking many hours until I get discouraged but I tried to think that every problem could be solved, I just had to try harder.

Week Number 3: February 1, 2021 through February 5, 2021

The first day of the week, I got sick because I felt a headache. In the afternoon, my senior sent message to ask me to fix my backend. Therefore, I had to my backend of searching for system log to set menu and activity default to ‘all’ not ‘null’ and coding banner image-size, doing new requirement is transaction type. This is the page that has set the value of the transaction type for each id, and finally the top up page, create reset button. when clicked, it should reset daily top-up and daily recovery to zero.

Tuesday, I keep working on the transaction type page and I still have a few problems with getting and set value.

Wednesday, I finished the transaction type page. My next task is to give permission to be more dynamic because it is still hard code now and today, I got a new requirement. It is block user page. The block user page is uncertain requirement, but it is rough to bring phone and email to search the user and can block that user. Later, I modified the graphic name input to be the same as another page. When press the edit button and show the old message, no need to type new. The next task is to edit show detail in page system log.

Thursday, I have finished editing the graphic pages. I have suggested from my senior to change the menu name of each page. The page is a sub-menu of that page, add a title, for example, menu config has api, consent, user, and transaction type. Enter the menu name as config-api, config-user, config-consent, and config-txn_type. Later, I talked to my senior and edited the search ref1 and ref2 in transaction page.

After yesterday’s discussion with senior, he has given me a lot of advice and corrections. There are things that I need to fix and add. Therefore, I have to coding and debugging all day.

In summary, this week was quite hard for me because I had to fix my work as quickly and completely as possible. Because to deploy to production is close, the pressure is very high. I want to do it the best I can.

Week Number 4: February 8, 2021 through February 12, 2021

This week, I have to complete the work and test the system as well. The first task is to test the user page that the user role has been added correctly or not, can this be edited and can delete users from the system. Later I found a bug of face verify log page, that is I render the wrong time, I don’t render the time derived from the database but instead the current time. Next, I set login page design in the middle of the webpage, check banner alert, modify system log page detail, and fix the top-up status display in the transaction page — if 0 is waiting, 1 is success and -1 is claimed.

Tuesday, I still continue to debug and prepare to deploy to production. I need to see if there is anything that needs to be further fixed and I already run to the problem. I am not prepared for a page that has no data in the database. therefore, the web page keeps showing loading and I have to fix a lot.

Wednesday, we have to test the production whether there are any problems or not. Which today I check and write it down because I cannot fix it anymore. Since it was already in production, the problems I encountered after this will have to be improved and updated in the next version.

Thursday, I fixed the problem I had yesterday and improved the system. Today’s task I do is create handlePage to dynamically create pagination. Therefore, that the other page can be fetched and add user id column to the face verify log page.

Friday is February 12th, Chinese New Year. It is company holiday. So, today I do not have to enter the company.

In summary, this week is the production start. Actually, after deployed to production, it was quite a relief, but I was afraid that there would be any problems

Week Number 5: February 15, 2021 through February 19, 2021

The first day of the week, I have to edit the system log page, which is a page to see who has entered the system or what part of it has been modified. The results are displayed as a table with datetime, email, activity and details. I have to solve a part of detail display. At first, I used column and row to show the data list, but it has some data that are not the same in detail, causing the data to overlap. My senior suggested a way to fix it for me by using tabular display instead, I tried it out and it worked. Then I’ve read the react hook to understand more.

Tuesday, all day today is the day I keep testing and editing the system. There are some stuck parts, but I solved the problem. I feel that what is tiring for developers is to make the work of themselves even more efficient, make it faster, make it more complete. Therefore, I think these are very important part.

On the third day of the week, I figured out how sticky header table can be responsive, but I found that I cannot use position: sticky with responsive table because table-responsive comes with overflow: auto. That is why: “A stickily positioned element is an element. whose computed position value is sticky. It is treated as relatively positioned until its containing block crosses a specified threshold within its flow root, at which point it is treated. as “stuck” until meeting the opposite edge of its containing block. Therefore, I spent a lot of time researching and actually I have been searching for this topic for a while, but I had to stop because I could not find it, but I still couldn’t find the correct solution for this time.

Thursday, I found the bug on face verify log page. It is wrong render index table because I wrote the index variable incorrectly. Later I made a consent page to find a text editor that can be used on this page with h tag, p tag, bold, and font size. I tried to find a variety of text editors that would suit my work and install the package, but the hard thing would be to have a text editor that supports copying from Microsoft word.

Today, a tester who tried to use the system on the merchant page found the problem that he tries to upload files and found that some of the information was not uploaded completely. Therefore, I had to figure out if there was anything wrong. Finally, I found that I wrote one point in the code incorrectly. Correct is that if the file uploads over 500 rows then divide and loop it up.

In summary, after deploying to the production, this period is where I need to do more validation, improve and optimize the system to make it better and easier to use too. Therefore, I think all of these are the most important parts.

Week Number 6: February 22, 2021 through February 26, 2021

Monday, I have to go to university to get the TETET score that I have taken a long time ago. Therefore, I had to take a leave of work.

On the second day of the week in the morning, my senior suggested writing release note using GitHub standard-version package, which I find interesting that the package allows us to write release note more easily and make it easier to read. Also, my seniors also taught how to run the version and the steps of coding. In the afternoon, I created a permission page. Therefore, I could manage the permission more conveniently.

On the third day of the week, I’m still going to the permission page to find out how to use the react bootstrap checkbox, which is pretty difficult because not many people use it. In the afternoon, I took a break from permission and let’s look at sidebar writing with coding and designing with Abode XD.

Thursday, I finally completed my checkbox from react bootstrap! I understand the functionality of the checkbox better and can reset the checkbox when I hit the submit button. Then, I kept doing the edit permission part. I was stuck with looping 2 array checks. I was familiar with this problem, but I cannot figure out how to fix it.

Friday is February 26th, Makha Bucha Day. It is a Buddhist holiday. Therefore, today I do not have to enter the company.

In summary, I feel like I have been stuck in the same problem for a very long time. I have been trying to find a lot of information and methods, but I have not been able to find any solutions. In a day, if I run into a problem and cannot fix it all day. The next day, I was able to find a solution faster. Which I felt was because my brain was exhausted, but when I rested, my brain brightened up.

Week Number 7: March 1, 2021 through March 5, 2021

Monday, the permission page is finished after it takes a while. The permission page can add new roles and assign permission to it, the permission of each role can be edited, and that role can be deleted from the system. Then, I found bugs in the user page, which is a page where each user can add roles for each user. The page can edit and delete role. It is a very important function. The bug I found is rendering the user list and loading when hitting the submit button. I think I have solved this problem, but I do not know why it still bug. In the end, I managed to fix it. Hopefully nothing buggier. Later, I was looking into fix table header with responsive table again.

March 2–4, I got sick because of food poisoning. I am not sure if I go to undercooked or unclean food. I think I just eat everything normally, but I was sick with food poisoning and I was admitted to the hospital for 2 nights and the doctor even let me recover one night at home. This caused me to stop working for 3 full days. During which I was in the hospital, my senior texted to me that when I came back to work, prepare to deploy all my code to GitLab because at first, I used GitHub, but now the company has switched to GitLab instead.

Friday after returning to work recently, I still cannot rest enough. Even though I sleep more than 8 hours every day. I think my body is not as healthy as it should be. In the morning, while waiting for my senior to introduce GitLab, I have studied and understood by myself first. When my senior arrived, he introduced a very detailed method of use, half a day spent explaining GitLab. In the afternoon, I actually tried and put all my code up to GitLab.

In summary, not much this week because I spent most of my time getting sick. I think I should make time to exercise and take more care of my health.

Week Number 8: March 8, 2021 through March 12, 2021

The first day of the week, my task is to add state in preview csv file of merchant page. I have to find same two array of object in preview merchant and add 3 state of preview. There are add, edit, exist data. Therefore, I have a big problem. It is I exceeded using firebase’s daily quotas (read operations). Which I did not know the quota was also eliminated and I joyfully reloaded a merchant page with 500+ rows of data. The quota was exceeded 50,000 per day. Therefore, I had to go to work in other tasks first. There are fixed alert error status and add new function check HTML format in consent page.

Tuesday, I am still figuring out how to loop two array of objects and edit the icon in the preview csv file in merchant page. My senior suggested me to use a package with icon only, not load a package with either UX/UI format, icon or various design. Therefore, I have to find a new package and load it. Which I have to edit every page where the icon is used.

On the third day of the week, I finished the merchant page. I had to test that it passed. Is there anything wrong? After completing the test by myself, then let my senior see if it passes or not. Where do I need to fix more? If not, I can continue with the next task. It is edit display permission table, and my seniors suggested that I show it as a table with a checkbox inside. Therefore, I had to figure out the work flow, how to start and where to start. Well, it is quite hard. Make all day I get stuck I cannot think of anything.

On the fourth day of the week, I am still doing edit display permission table. Which I looped check two array of objects again. Half the morning with this problem. In the afternoon, I have to create function check consent version because my senior reminds me. At first, I understood that consent version was a number but actually it is text. For example, version is 1.0.1. I need validation consent version as well.

On the last day of the week in the morning, I had a meeting with my advisor about my progress, everything went well. In the afternoon, I test consent version function and I find the package for check HTML format which I cannot find, or I just entered the wrong search keyword. I have written the function for check HTML format, but it just checks if there is an open tag or not. I did not know exactly what a tag is. Therefore, I have to come to the package to help check more.

In summary, I feel that I work more slowly. One task, I stuck with it for a very long time but in the end, I solved the problem. But the point is I should not take that long. I will try to improve my skill more, understand it in more detail, learn a lot more diligently, and what I should not forget is that I have to have fun and enjoy it. I should not put too much pressure on myself. Otherwise, I will not be able to take it. Because of the many experiences since I have done WIL, it has really taught me a lot. I have no regrets that I chose to do WIL instead of working at the university.



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